Shell con­s­truc­tion: The dro­ne spec­ta­cle


“Abo­ve the clouds…”

An exci­ting insight into the crea­ti­on of the FARFAR ICE CAMP awaits you!
In our latest blog post, we pre­sent a fasci­na­ting dro­ne video crea­ted by Mr. Roger Zut­ter.
This impres­si­ve video takes you on a jour­ney high abo­ve the con­s­truc­tion site of the ice rink, giving you a uni­que bird’s eye view of the buil­ding shell.
The FARFAR ICE CAMP, a future high­light for win­ter sports and com­mu­ni­ty, is slow­ly taking shape.
The video cap­tures the dimen­si­ons and struc­tu­re of the buil­ding shell with impres­si­ve cla­ri­ty.
The maje­s­tic appearance of the hall is cap­tu­red by the skillful came­ra work as the dro­ne gli­des gent­ly around and over the con­s­truc­tion.

The con­cre­te walls and steel beams beco­me visi­ble from a com­ple­te­ly new per­spec­ti­ve.
You can see the pre­cis­i­on and dedi­ca­ti­on put into every step of the con­s­truc­tion pro­cess.
The dro­ne video cap­tures the ener­gy and poten­ti­al of this future land­mark, which will pro­vi­de a stage for sport­ing chal­lenges and com­mu­ni­ty gathe­rings.
The shell of the buil­ding is not only a visu­al feast for the eyes, but also a tes­ta­ment to the pro­gress and hard work that is being put into the rea­liza­ti­on of the FARFAR ICE CAMP.
It is a sym­bol of the future and pro­mi­ses to be a place that crea­tes joy, exci­te­ment and tog­e­ther­ness.
We look for­ward to taking you with us on this exci­ting jour­ney to the com­ple­ti­on of the ice rink!