Pro­mo­ti­on of sport / young talent

HC White Wol­ves

Total ice hockey at the White Wol­ves

The White Wol­ves are more than just an ice hockey club — they are a sym­bol of com­mit­ment and pas­si­on in ice sports.
Our club atta­ches gre­at importance to pro­mo­ting young talent and offers com­pre­hen­si­ve pro­grams to get child­ren and young peo­p­le inte­res­ted in ice hockey.

Our youth depart­ment offers regu­lar trai­ning ses­si­ons, pro­fes­sio­nal coa­ching and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in regio­nal and natio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons.
The focus is not only on sport­ing suc­cess, but also on the per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment of each indi­vi­du­al play­er.


Our goals:

  • Talent deve­lo­p­ment: We help young play­ers to deve­lop their full poten­ti­al through tar­ge­ted trai­ning and indi­vi­du­al sup­port.
  • Team spi­rit and fair play: We teach important values such as team­work, respect and fair­ness, which are important both on and off the ice.
  • Com­mu­ni­ty: The White Wol­ves are one big fami­ly whe­re ever­yo­ne is wel­co­me and can feel at home.

Beco­me part of the White Wol­ves and expe­ri­ence the fasci­na­ti­on of ice hockey up clo­se


EC Wol­ler­au

Your ice ska­ting club for all ages and skill levels!

Foun­ded in 2021, we offer a diver­se pro­gram that pro­mo­tes both fun and ath­le­tic excel­lence.
Our offer includes figu­re ska­ting and power ska­ting cour­ses, pro­fes­sio­nal­ly taught by qua­li­fied coa­ches.

Whe­ther beg­in­ner or advan­ced, child­ren or adults — ever­yo­ne is wel­co­me here.
Our aim is to take into account the indi­vi­du­al needs of each par­ti­ci­pant and pro­vi­de them with the best pos­si­ble sup­port.
In addi­ti­on to ice trai­ning, we also offer off-ice trai­ning, acro­ba­tics and dance to streng­then the coor­di­na­ti­on and cogni­ti­ve skills of our mem­bers.

Club life is at the heart of ever­y­thing we do.
With events such as the skateathon, the Stern­li­tes­te and various com­pe­ti­ti­ons, we crea­te a lively com­mu­ni­ty in which the focus is on having fun ska­ting and being tog­e­ther.

Beco­me part of our ska­ting fami­ly and expe­ri­ence the joy of ska­ting in a sup­port­i­ve and moti­vat­ing envi­ron­ment.

Sign up for our cour­ses today and dis­co­ver the fasci­na­ti­on of ice ska­ting!

Whe­re ice cream dreams come true!

