Ope­ning hours / Pri­ces

Ice rink / out­door ice rink

The out­door ice rink is open to ever­yo­ne


Mon­day 11:45 to 13:30
16:00 to 18:15
Tues­day 11:45 to 13:30
16:00 to 18:15
Wed­nes­day 11:00 to 18:15
Thurs­day 11:45 to 13:30
16:00 to 20:15
Fri­day 11:45 to 13:30
16:00 to 20:15
satur­day 11:00 to 21:30
Sun­day 10:00 to 18:00

Chneb­le+ on the out­door ice rink (only pos­si­ble with a field hockey sea­son ticket)

Mon­day 18:30 to 20:30
Tues­day 18:30 to 20:30
Wed­nes­day 18:30 to 20:30
Satur­day 08:00 to 09:30 a.m.

Chneb­le+ in the Ice hall (only pos­si­ble with a field hockey sea­son ticket)

Satur­day 19:45 to 21:30

Cur­ling on the out­door ice rink (other times on request)

Thurs­day 16:00 to 20:15
Fri­day 16:00 to 21:30


Pri­ces for resi­dents of Wol­ler­au, Frei­en­bach and Feu­sis­berg


Child­ren Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 5.00

CHF 50.00

Youths Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 6.00

CHF 60.00

Adults Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 8.00

CHF 80.00

Fami­lies Sea­son ticket CHF 230.00
Chneb­le+ Sea­son ticket + CHF 100 to the nor­mal sea­son ticket

Pri­ces for visi­tors living out­side the Höfe dis­trict

Child­ren Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 5.00

CHF 80.00

Youths Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 6.00

CHF 90.00

Adults Sin­gle admis­si­on
Sea­son ticket

CHF 8.00

CHF 100.00

Fami­lies Sea­son tickets CHF 290.00
Chneb­le+ Sea­son ticket + CHF 100.00 to the nor­mal sea­son ticket

Restau­rant Time­out

Enjoy the varie­ty of our Time­out restau­rant.
We offer a wide sel­ec­tion of dis­hes, from hear­ty meat dis­hes to deli­cious vege­ta­ri­an opti­ons.
Accom­pa­ny your meal with our deli­cious wines or try our refres­hing beer.
Ever­y­thing is fresh­ly pre­pared.
With us you will find a culina­ry expe­ri­ence that is uni­que and pam­pers your pala­te.
Enjoy the evening with a fine cock­tail at our bar.

Ope­ning hours

Mon­day — Fri­day 11.00 to 23.00
Satur­day 10.00 to 23.00
Sun­day 10.00 to 22.00

Cont­act us

Restau­rant Time­out
Erlen­moos­weg 15
8832 Wol­ler­au
044 500 93 94
079 207 29 80

At home on the ice!

