An artic­le from “Höf­ner Volks­blatt”: A lar­ge buil­ding for the youth…


Wal­ter Wid­ler has been a Wol­ler­au resi­dent sin­ce 1965.
He atta­ches gre­at importance to that.
Even though he sup­ports the SCRJ Lakers and is the­r­e­fo­re often refer­red to as a “Rap­pers­wi­ler”.
His heart beats for young ice hockey play­ers in Wol­ler­au.
You can cle­ar­ly sen­se this when tal­king to the spright­ly 79-year-old.
“I’ve foun­ded many com­pa­nies in the cour­se of my life as an entre­pre­neur,” he says with pri­de.
“Cob­bler, stick to your last,” he says.
In other words, all of Wal­ter Widler’s com­pa­nies are in the health­ca­re sec­tor.
“The only com­pa­ny that does­n’t fit in is the ice rink in Wol­ler­au,” he smi­les.
The ice rink, which is due to open next fall, does­n’t fit into his com­pa­ny struc­tu­re in terms of phi­lo­so­phy eit­her.
If the other com­pa­nies make a good pro­fit, “you can’t make money with sports faci­li­ties”, he knows.

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