A dream come true: the FARFAR ICE CAMP!


In the win­ter of 1962/63, Lake Zurich and even Lake Con­s­tance fro­ze over com­ple­te­ly.
As a result, ice hockey sud­den­ly beca­me very popu­lar with the public in the low­lands.
This led to the foun­ding of EHC Wädens­wil.
The gre­at dream of many young EHCW ice hockey play­ers was to have their own arti­fi­ci­al ice rink.
Under the lea­der­ship of Hans Zollin­ger, the pre­si­dent of EHCW at the time, the “Wädens­wil arti­fi­ci­al ice rink” pro­ject was pur­sued with gre­at enthu­si­asm.
The club manage­ment and play­ers made every effort to rea­li­ze the con­s­truc­tion of their own ice rink in the “Beich­len”.
Unfort­u­na­te­ly, the pro­ject was thwar­ted by the aut­ho­ri­ties and poli­ti­cal oppon­ents.
This annoy­ed No. 2 (Ragu­lin), a young EHCW play­er at the time, for many years.
When he reti­red, he deci­ded to rea­li­ze this ice rink hims­elf as a gift for all ice hockey enthu­si­asts in Höf­ner­land and the lake­si­de com­mu­ni­ties of Wädens­wil and Rich­ters­wil.

With the con­s­truc­tion of the “FARFAR ICE CAMP” ice rink, this long-che­ris­hed wish is final­ly coming true.
Ice rinks are rare, but essen­ti­al for pro­mo­ting young talent in ice hockey and ice ska­ting as well as for school and popu­lar sports.

The “Eis­park Erlen­moos” asso­cia­ti­on was foun­ded in Octo­ber 2014 with the aim of offe­ring a sui­ta­ble sports faci­li­ty with an ice rink in win­ter.
Howe­ver, this out­door ice rink can only be ope­ra­ted sea­so­nal­ly.
It is hea­vi­ly depen­dent on the wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.
The idea of roofing over the ice rink was pro­ba­b­ly born during a plea­sant meal in the “Böni-Hütt­li” and soon the fan­ta­sies tur­ned into con­cre­te pro­ject plans.

The ground-brea­king cerem­o­ny took place on Octo­ber 20, 2022, and con­s­truc­tion is now pro­gres­sing at a plea­sing­ly fast pace.
Howe­ver, it took a lot of time, money and pati­ence to com­ply with all the neces­sa­ry per­mits and regu­la­ti­ons.