A bird’s eye view of the FARFAR ICE CAMP


The ice rink is loca­ted in the heart of Wol­ler­au and is per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted into its natu­ral sur­roun­dings thanks to its sophisti­ca­ted archi­tec­tu­re.
Gent­le cur­ves and an artis­tic design crea­te a har­mo­nious visu­al appearance, while the striking round roof attracts everyone’s atten­ti­on.
The cur­ved con­tours of the roof make a striking state­ment and crea­te a fasci­na­ting con­trast to the sur­roun­ding land­scape.

From this cen­tral point, lar­ge pan­o­r­amic win­dows offer views of the maje­s­tic land­scape.
The ele­gan­ce of the ice sur­face is reflec­ted in the clean lines, and visi­tors can enjoy the view of the sur­roun­dings in all their sple­ndor.
As dusk falls, subt­le light­ing ele­ments crea­te a warm aura that bathes the enti­re area in a magi­cal light.
This design mas­terful­ly com­bi­nes the natu­ral beau­ty of the sur­roun­dings with the artis­tic ele­gan­ce of the ice rink (archi­tect: Hie­stand + Part­ner AG, Pfäf­fi­kon) to crea­te an impres­si­ve over­all expe­ri­ence.