Suc­cessful Swiss Ice Hockey Day at the “Far­Far Ice Camp”

Train tog­e­ther, fight tog­e­ther, win tog­e­ther! That’s the mot­to. This was fol­lo­wed by around 150 young peo­p­le who trai­ned with the stars for all they were worth. Link to the Höf­ner

Ice rink in Wol­ler­au opens its doors to visi­tors

Con­s­truc­tion of the “Far­far Ice Camp” ice sta­di­um in Wol­ler­au began around two years ago. The faci­li­ty was ful­ly ope­ned to the public at the weekend. Artic­le from Höf­ner

An artic­le from “Höf­ner Volks­blatt”: A lar­ge buil­ding for the youth…

Wal­ter Wid­ler has been a Wol­ler­au resi­dent sin­ce 1965. He atta­ches gre­at importance to that. Even though he sup­ports the SCRJ Lakers and is the­r­e­fo­re often refer­red to as a “Rap­pers­wi­ler”. His heart beats for young ice hockey play­ers in Wol­ler­au. You can cle­ar­ly sen­se this when tal­king to the spright­ly 79-year-old. “I’ve foun­ded many com­pa­nies in…

A dream come true: the FARFAR ICE CAMP!

In the win­ter of 1962/63, Lake Zurich and even Lake Con­s­tance fro­ze over com­ple­te­ly. As a result, ice hockey sud­den­ly beca­me very popu­lar with the public in the low­lands. This led to the foun­ding of EHC Wädens­wil. The gre­at dream of many young EHCW ice hockey play­ers was to have their own arti­fi­ci­al ice rink. Under the lea­der­ship of Hans…

A bird’s eye view of the FARFAR ICE CAMP

The ice rink is loca­ted in the heart of Wol­ler­au and is per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted into its natu­ral sur­roun­dings thanks to its sophisti­ca­ted archi­tec­tu­re. Gent­le cur­ves and an artis­tic design crea­te a har­mo­nious visu­al appearance, while the striking round roof attracts everyone’s atten­ti­on. The cur­ved con­tours of the roof make a striking state­ment and…

Shell con­s­truc­tion: The dro­ne spec­ta­cle

“Abo­ve the clouds…” An exci­ting insight into the crea­ti­on of the FARFAR ICE CAMP awaits you! In our latest blog post, we pre­sent a fasci­na­ting dro­ne video crea­ted by Mr. Roger Zut­ter. This impres­si­ve video takes you on a jour­ney high abo­ve the con­s­truc­tion site of the ice rink, giving you a uni­que bird’s eye view of the buil­ding shell. The…

Wel­co­me to the new ice sea­son in Wol­ler­au!

With the con­s­truc­tion of our impres­si­ve ice rink “FARFAR ICE CAMP” opens up uni­ma­gi­ned pos­si­bi­li­ties for young ice sports enthu­si­asts and the enti­re popu­la­ti­on.
Whe­ther in win­ter or all year round — our ultra-modern ice rink offers unli­mi­t­ed pro­s­pects for win­ter sports acti­vi­ties.
The pro­mo­ti­on of child­ren and young peo­p­le, espe­ci­al­ly in the are­as of ice hockey and figu­re ska­ting, is the most important thing for us.

In addi­ti­on to our indoor faci­li­ties, we also have a fan­ta­stic out­door ice rink that makes ice ska­ting even more fun.
Whe­ther you love ice hockey, figu­re ska­ting, ice ska­ting or cur­ling, we have the per­fect place for you to indul­ge your pas­si­on.
We look for­ward to wel­co­ming you and your fami­ly from
Octo­ber 2024 to wel­co­me you here with us.
Dis­co­ver a new era of win­ter sports in Wol­ler­au!

FARFAR ICE CAMP — ice sports rede­fi­ned!

